Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
488 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
h. Error Type 2562 - 2566: the ASAI message is not transmitted because the transmit buffer
for the ASAI link is full, causing the link to be flow-controlled. Frequent or persistent
occurrence of these events may indicate a hardware problem or traffic overload on the
PKT-CTRL, the signaling link, or the ASAI adjunct. Follow the repair procedures issued by
the manufacturer of the adjunct. If these attempts fail, re-engineering of the traffic on the
PKT-CTRL, signaling link, or adjunct may be necessary.
i. Error Type 2567: This version of ASAI is not supported. Check the software version that is
running on the ASAI adjunct.
j. Error Type 2568: The adjunct identification is invalid. Check the vendor ID or software
running on the ASAI adjunct.
k. Error Type 3329: the point-to-point signaling link to the endpoint went down, except when
the link goes down because either a system technician has busied out the PKT-CTRL or the
PKT-BUS, or they have failed. This error raises an alarm against the endpoint or adjunct.
Execute test station extension short and note the results of the Signaling Link
Status Test (#626). If this test fails, follow the repair procedure for Test #626. The alarm is
retired when the signaling link is re-established to the endpoint or adjunct.
l. Error Type 3584 - 3839: The switch software logs certain ASAI cause values. The cause
value is determined from the following formulas:
- If the error type is greater than 3712, then the ASAI cause value is equal to the error type
minus 3712. The switch sent this value to the adjunct.
- If the error type is less than 3712, then the ASAI cause value is equal to the error type
minus 3584. The adjunct sent this value to the switch.
Table 147: ASAI cause values
on page 489 contains a description of the various ASAI
cause values and recommended system technician actions associated with the cause
m. Error Type 3841 - 4095: The switch software logs certain ASAI cause values. The cause
value is determined from the following formula:
- If the error type is greater than 3968, then the ASAI cause value is equal to the error type
minus 3968. The switch sent this value to the endpoint.
- If the error type is less than 3968, then the ASAI cause code is equal to the error type
minus 3840. The endpoint sent this value to the switch.