SYSTEM (System)
Issue 1 June 2005 2191
b. Error Type 8: a System Restart Level 3 was requested.
c. Error Type 9: a System Restart Level 2 was requested. This can happen due to a loss of
tones (due to a faulty Tone-Clock circuit pack).
d. Error Type 10: a System Restart Level 1 was requested.
e. Error Type 21: a process trapped.
f. Error Type 355: a Restart Level 2 occurred due to a power loss.
g. Error Type 356: a Restart Level 2 occurred due to a tone clock loss.
h. Error Type 601: an error occurred during initialization.
i. Error Type 602: an error occurred while loading translations and the system requested a
Restart Level 3.
j. Error Type 603: a process was reset.