Alarms in Linux Media Servers
Issue 1 June 2005 117
Note: The S8500 has a set of alarms for the RSA card, which is also called the Remote
Maintenance Board (RMB). The MO name is RMB. Alarms reported, by the
S8500 media server, via the MO name RMB will include a Product ID beginning
with one (1) followed by nine digits.
The A+SAMP board in a S8500B media server may also report alarms via the
MO name RMB. See S8500B Augmentix Server Availability Management
Processor™ (A+SAMP) Alarms on page 120. When the A+SAMP board reports
alarms via the MO name RMB the Product ID begins with a five (5) followed by
nine digits.
Table 34: RMB Alarms in the S8500 Media Server
Alarm Text, Cause/Description, Recommendation
1 MIN "RMB driver missing - handshake Failed" - The driver for communicating
with the RSA card cannot be found. Several failures can generate this fault:
● the Linux bash command /sbin/lsmod is missing
● the results from running /sbin/lsmod could not be read
● /sbin/lsmod returned nothing
● the RSA device driver was not loaded
● the RSA device driver does not exist
The recommendations are:
1. Be sure /sbin/ibmod exists and is executable.
2. Be sure /tmp exists as a directory and can be written.
3. Be sure /lib/modules/ibmasm/ibmasm.o exists and has read
4. Run the bash command "service ibmasm start".
2 MIN "RMB cli is not loaded on the server." - The program that talks to the RSA
card could not be found. Several failures generate this fault:
● the Linux bash command /bin/ls is missing or not working properly
● the bash command /opt/ecs/rmb/rsa/rsacli is missing or is not
The recommendations are:
1. Be sure all the above files and directories exist and have read and
execute permissions.
2. Reload any missing files from the distribution.
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