Background Terms
Issue 1 June 2005 29
Background Terms
Table 4: Alarming Background Terms on page 29 gives a useful explanation of terms.
Table 4: Alarming Background Terms
Term Explanation
TRAP A trap is an event notification that is sent to the SNMP trap manager and
received from the Media Gateway Processor, Layer 2 Switching Processor,
or RTCP Monitor (Avaya VisAbility).
ALARM Some traps are determined to be an alarm. If determined to be an alarm they
are sent to an appropriate alarm management site, such as INADS.
INADS Initialization and Administration System, a software tool used by Avaya
services personnel to initialize, administer, and troubleshoot customer
communications systems remotely.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol, the industry standard protocol
governing network management and the monitoring of network devices and
their functions.
RTCP Real Time Control Protocol, contained in IETF RFC 1889.
ISM Intelligent Site Manager, a VPN gateway on the customer’s LAN that
provides a means for services personnel to access the customer’s LAN in a
secure manner via the Internet.
VPN Virtual Private Network, a private data network that makes use of the public
telecommunication infrastructure, maintaining privacy through the use of a
tunneling protocol and security procedures.