Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1256 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Expansion Interface Neighbor Query Test (#237)
This test is nondestructive. The Expansion Interface Neighbor Query test is a request to an EI
circuit pack to determine whether it has established communication with the EI or SNI circuit
pack at the opposite end of the fiber.
For EI-to-EI fiber links, this test is run on both EI circuit pack endpoints of the fiber link.
Table 435: Tests Run for an SNI-to-SNI Fiber Link
Order of Investigation Short Test
Long Test
Reset Fiber
1. D = Destructive; ND = Nondestructive
Configuration audit (#759) X X ND
Failure audit (#777) X X ND
Fiber Out of Frame query (#989) X X ND
Destructive Facility test (#757) X D
Off-Board Destructive Facility test (#756) X D
Fiber Link Reset test (#768) X D
Table 436: Test #237 Expansion Interface Neighbor Query Test
Description / Recommendation
1033 ABRT The EI circuit pack does not have a fiber link administered to it. There is not
sufficient data to run test. Because test fiber-link was run, the
expansion interface should be administered on a fiber link, and this must be
a software problem.
2000 ABRT Response to the test request was not received within the allowable time
1. Run test board location separately for each EI endpoint on this
fiber link, and follow the procedures for this test in EXP-INTF
(Expansion Interface Circuit Pack) on page 1176.
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