Server Alarms
104 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
MAJ “Application <name> not started, parm file errors” — Since an
application’s specified location in watchd.conf is incorrect, Watchdog
cannot start the application.
1. To verify the alarm, look for the application’s or process ID (PID),
either using the:
- Web interface, by selecting Diagnostics > View System Logs and
Watchdog Logs
- Linux command line, by entering logv -w or, directly, by
examining /var/log/ecs/wdlog.
2. Verify that the executable file named in the log exists and is
To locate the application’s executable file, enter the Linux command:
ls -l /opt/ecs/sbin/appl
If the executable is present, Linux returns a symbolic link to its
3. If so (less common):
a. Enter ls -l on the symbolic link’s address.
b. Verify that the executable has “execution” permissions.
c. If not, enter chmod +x to enable execution of the application.
If not — Linux has returned a “null link” (more common):
- Acquire the executable from the CD.
4. Verify that the string in watchd.conf is correct.
5. Enter start -s application to start the application.
6. Manually clear the alarm, either from the:
- Web interface, by selecting Alarms and Notification, the
appropriate alarm, and Clear
- Linux command line, by entering almclear -n #id
Table 31: _WD Alarms in Media Server (continued)
Alarm Text, Cause/Description, Recommendation
5 of 15