H323-SGRP (H.323 Signaling Group)
Issue 1 June 2005 1321
2500 ABRT Internal system error.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 3times.
2800 ABRT No C-LAN in the same region.
1. Verify translations and retest.
2801 ABRT No IP address defined.
1. Verify translations and retest.
2802 ABRT Different IP address pinged than software had allocated for the test.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 3 times.
FAIL PING to the destination failed through this port because the destination was
1. Verify that at least one destination reachable through this port is “up”.
Once verified, execute test signaling-group grp# to verify that
the H.323 Signaling Group Ping test (#1387) passes.
ANY ABRT Refer to the CLAN Port PING test in TCP/IP Ping Test (#1281) on page 1900
for a more detailed description of the reasons for the abort.
ANY FAIL The far-end of the signaling group could not be reached.
1. Refer to the C-LAN port PING test in TCP/IP Ping Test (#1281)
page 1900 for a more detailed description of the reasons for the failure.
PASS PING through this port was successful.
Table 457: Test #1387 H.323 Signaling Group Ping Test (continued)
Description / Recommendation
3 of 3