Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
2126 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Failed Yes At least two terminals rejected the firmware as invalid. As a
result, the download was aborted to avoid problems with any
further terminals. Check the Reason Codes of the failed
terminals in the list to find the reason why the download failed
(Table 762: Reason Codes for status firmware
station-download command on page 2126).
Completed Yes The scheduled download has completed either due to all
terminals in the range of extensions having completed or due
to the stop timer.
Disabled Yes An Active schedule was disabled with the disable
firmware station-download command. After an active
schedule is disabled, the Schedule state remains Active until
all currently active terminal downloads have completed.
No Image Yes The download was stopped because there was no firmware
image present in memory.
Restart Yes The download was stopped due to a system restart. You must
schedule a new download for any Aborted terminals.
Sys Fail Yes The download was stopped due to a system error.
Sys Occ No The download has been suspended due to the system’s
occupancy level. The schedule resumes when the occupancy
level drops to a safe level.
Dnld Timeout Yes While the scheduled download was running, two or more
consecutive terminals failed to respond to the download
Table 762: Reason Codes for status firmware station-download command
Status Description
1 ABRT The firmware image that was noted in the change firmware
station-download form has disappeared. The download schedule had to
be stopped.
2 ABRT The terminal could not be downloaded due to a discrepancy relating to the
maximum number of downloads allowed.
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Table 761: Schedule States of status firmware station-download command (continued)
State Schedule
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