Conventions used in this document
Issue 1 June 2005 25
Other conventions used in this book:
● Physical dimensions are in English [Foot Pound Second (FPS)] units, followed by metric
[Centimeter Gram Second) (CGS)] units in parentheses.
Wire-gauge measurements are in AWG, followed by the diameter in millimeters in
● Circuit-pack codes (such as TN790B or TN2182B) are shown with the minimum
acceptable alphabetic suffix (like the “B” in the code TN2182B).
Generally, an alphabetic suffix higher than that shown is also acceptable. However, not
every vintage of either the minimum suffix or a higher suffix code is necessarily acceptable.
Web interface
● Bold for menu
selections, tabs,
buttons, and field
● Right arrow > to
separate a sequence
of menu selections
Select Alarms and
Notification, the appropriate
alarm, and then click Clear.
Select Diagnostics > View
System Logs, then click
Watchdog Logs.
Keys Special font for keyboard
keys and SAT screen
clickable buttons
Press Tab.
Click Next Page.
Table 2: Typography used in this book (continued)
To represent . . . This typeface and syntax
are shown as . . .
For example, . . .
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