90 FSN Series • User’s Guide • Rev 01
3. Control Panel Orientation
Control Panel Descriptions
~ Press CUT KEY 2 to immediately cut Key 2 fully on or off
Please note the following important points regarding the Direct Control buttons:
~ Unlike the AUTO TRANS button, the two MIX KEY buttons cannot be
paused. Once pressed, the transition completes fully.
~ The buttons cannot be used to trigger DVE effects — but they can be
used to mix or cut DVE effects on or off.
~ When the T-Bar is positioned between the BG and PST buses (off of a
limit), almost all transitions are possible. For example:
S BG + MIX enabled — if the T-Bar is positioned half-way between the
BG and PST buses (creating a 50% mix), pressing CUT KEY 1 cuts
the key in (or out) over the mix.
S BG + WIPE enabled — if the T-Bar is positioned half-way between
the BG and PST buses (creating a split-screen wipe), pressing MIX
KEY 2 mixes in the key over the split screen.
S KEY 1 + MIX enabled — if the T-Bar is positioned half-way between
the BG and PST buses (creating a 50% mix of the key), pressing
MIX KEY 1 mixes in the key to 100%.
S KEY 1 + WIPE enabled — if the T-Bar is positioned half-way
between the BG and PST buses (wiping the key halfway on),
pressing MIX KEY 1 is inhibited. However, pressing CUT KEY 1
can be performed.
~ The two MIX KEY buttons transition at the M/E’s auto transition rate.
Use the Transition Menu to change rates. In Chapter 5, refer to the
“Transition Menu” section on page 148 for complete details.
~ The Transition LEDs do not change state when MIX KEY 1 and MIX
KEY 2 are used.