Barco 26-0702000-00 Home Security System User Manual

FSN Series • User’s Guide • Rev 01 143
5. Menu Orientation
Buttons, Tables and Matrices
On certain menus such as the Wipe Menu and the Output Test Pattern Menu, matrices
are provided that enable you to choose a particular item (from a large group of items). A
sample matrix is shown below:
Figure 5-21. Sample Matrix
In the matrix, each function is a mutually exclusive button. To select a function, touch the
desired button. The yellow border indicates the current selection. Note that in some cases
(as shown above), a function may be grayed out.
In certain cases, notes will pop-up that provide important information about a process, a
function, or a “prompt” for further action. Each note has a title box, a subject line, an
“explanation” section and a
Close button — which clears the note from the menu. Some
notes also include buttons for various choices, such as “
Yes” or “No.”
A sample note is shown below.
Figure 5-22. Sample note
If an error occurs, a red “Error” button will appear in the top right corner of the menu —
superimposed over the
Title Bar. If this occurs, press the Error button to display a note for
more information. A sample error message is shown below.
Figure 5-23. Sample error message
If an “LOS” or “Invalid Signal” error occurs to an input, the Programmable Display turns
red, and the red “
Error” button appears. These error messages can be turned off, if
desired. In Chapter 7, refer to the “
Understanding Error Messages” section on page 316
for full details.
Choice 3Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 4
Choice 7Choice 5 Choice 6 Choice 8
Note SubjectNote
Detailed explanation or “prompt”
Menu Title
Menu Prompt