84 FSN Series • User’s Guide • Rev 01
3. Control Panel Orientation
Control Panel Descriptions
~ Key 1 Source and DVE trigger status — this field is located directly
above the KEY 1 button. The following indications are provided:
• In key mode, the top line is the field title: KEY1. The bottom line
displays the source assigned to the keyer. When you select
another source on the Key Bus, the bottom label updates.
• When a DVE channel is assigned to the keyer and a two-
keyframe effect is loaded, the top line provides trigger status.
Three labels are possible:
–“_FX” indicates that only the DVE effect is armed to
–“MFX” indicates that the keyer is armed to mix, and
the DVE effect is simultaneously armed to trigger.
–“WFX” indicates that the keyer is armed to wipe, and
the DVE effect is armed to trigger.
In this mode, the bottom line indicates the input source to the
assigned DVE channel.
~ Key 2 Source and DVE trigger status — this field is located directly
above the KEY 2 button. Key source and DVE status indications are
identical to those for KEY 1 — but for KEY 2 instead.
~ Current Transition Rate — indicates the auto-transition rate loaded in
the M/E. This rate is used by the following functions:
• MIX KEY 1 and MIX KEY 2
• DVE effect duration (for two-keyframe effects)
Use the Transition Menu to change rates. In Chapter 5, see the
“Transition Menu
” section on page 148 for details.
2) T-Bar and Transition LEDs
The T-Bar provides manual transition control for the layers enabled in the Next
Transition Group — including mixes, wipes and two-keyframe DVE effects. For
both manual and automatic transitions, the Transition LEDs always indicate the
position of the transition in progress.
Figure 3-14. T-Bar and Transition LEDs
T-Bar functionality is identical for the M/E and PGM banks. In Chapter 7, refer to
the “Understanding the T-Bar and Transition LEDs
” section on page 325 for
complete details.
Remember that the SEL button chooses the active key bus,
as indicated by the Key Control LEDs.