FSN Series • User’s Guide • Rev 01 427
10. Updating Software
Downloading Software
Two different methods can be used to download FSN Series software:
• Via FTP Site
• Via Web Site
Barco Folsom's FTP site address is: ftp.folsom.com
To download software from the FTP site:
1. Create a target folder on your PC (e.g., FSN Series), and ensure that your PC is
connected to the internet.
2. Log on to the FTP site using one of the following methods:
a. If you are using an FTP client such as Ipswitch WS_FTP Professional,
log on to our site as follows:
FTP Site: ftp.folsom.com
User name: anonymous
Password: your email address
S Example: johndoe@somecompany.com
b. If you are using a web browser, point the browser to:
To use Windows Explorer, right-click the Start button, then click Explore.
When the Explorer window opens, enter the FTP site in the address bar.
3. On the FTP site, navigate to the following directory:
ftp://ftp.folsom.com/Image Processing/FSN/
Transfer the following file to the target folder on your PC:
FSN_[revision #].tar.gz
Continue with the “Updating Control Panel Software” section on page 429.
If you are using Internet Explorer 7, after entering the FTP
address, click
Page, and then click Open FTP Site in
Windows Explorer