14 - 48
Chapter 14 Common Functions
[Pr.804] Mark detection data buffer memory No.
Set the No. of optional 2 words buffer memory that latched at mark detection.
Set this No. as an even No.
If a value other than the above is set, the warning "Outside mark detection data
buffer memory No. setting range" (warning code: 133) occurs and the target mark
detection is not available.
[Pr.805] Latch data range upper limit value,
[Pr.806] Latch data range lower limit value
Set the upper limit value and lower limit value of the latch data at mark detection.
When the data at mark detection is within the range, they are stored in "[Md.801]
Mark detection data storage area" (1 to 32) and the "[Md.800] Number of mark
detection" is incremented by 1. The mark detection processing is not executed.
• Upper limit value > Lower limit value
The mark detection is executed when the mark detection data is "greater or equal
to the lower limit value and less than the upper limit value".
Upper limit
Lower limit
• Upper limit value < Lower limit value
The mark detection is executed when the mark detection data is "greater or equal
to the lower limit value or less than the upper limit value".
Upper limit
Lower limit
• Upper limit value = Lower limit value
The mark detection range is not checked. The mark detection is executed for all