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Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control
[Pr.91] Optional data monitor: Data type setting 1 to [Pr.94] Optional data
monitor: Data type setting 4
Set the data type monitored in optional data monitor function.
Setting value Data type Used point
No setting
1 word
1 Effective load ratio
2 Regenerative load factor
3 Peak load ratio
4 Load inertia moment ratio
Model loop gain
Position loop gain
6 Bus voltage
7 Servo motor rotation speed
8 Encoder multiple revolution counter
9 Module power consumption
10 Instantaneous torque
12 Servomotor thermistor temperature
13 Equivalent disturbance torque
14 Overload alarm margin
15 Error excessive alarm margin
16 Settling time
17 Overshoot amount
20 Position feedback
2 words
21 Encoder single revolution position
22 Selection droop pulse
23 Module integral power consumption
24 Load side encoder information 1
25 Load side encoder information 2
26 Z-phase counter
27 Servomotor-side/load-side position deviation
28 Servomotor-side/load-side speed deviation
29 Encoder counter
(Note-1): The stored value of "[Md.109] Regenerative load ratio/Optional data monitor
output 1" to "[Md.112] Optional data monitor output 4" is different every data
type setting 1 to 4. (Refer to Section 5.6.2)
(Note-2): The name differs by MR-J4(W)-B/MR-JE-B/MR-J3(W)-B or VCII series/
FR-A700 series.