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Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control
Setting item Setting details
[Cd.35] Step valid flag
This data item validates or invalidates step operations.
Fetch cycle: At start
[Cd.36] Step start information
To continue the step operation when the step function is used, set "1" in the data
Fetch cycle: 14.2[ms]
[Cd.37] Skip command
To skip the current positioning operation, set "1" in this data item.
Fetch cycle: Operation cycle (During positioning operation)
[Cd.38] Teaching data selection
This data item specifies the teaching result write destination.
Data are cleared to zero when the teaching ends.
Fetch cycle: At operation request
[Cd.39] Teaching positioning data No.
This data item specifies data to be produced by teaching.
If a value between 1 and 600 is set, a teaching operation is done.
The value is cleared to "0" when the Simple Motion module is initialized, when a
teaching operation completes, and when an illegal value (601 or higher) is
Fetch cycle: 103[ms]