13 - 30
Chapter 13 Control Sub Functions
[2] Software stroke limit check details
Check details
Processing when
an error occurs
An error shall occur if the current value
1 is outside the software
stroke limit range
(Check "[Md.20] Current feed value" or "[Md.21] Machine feed value".)
An "axis error" will
occur (error code:
507, 508)
An error shall occur if the command address is outside the software
stroke limit range.
(Check "[Da.6] Positioning address/movement amount".)
1: Check whether the "[Md.20] Current feed value" or "[Md.21] Machine feed value" is set in
"[Pr.14] Software stroke limit selection".
2: Moveable range from the "[Pr.12] Software stroke limit upper limit value" to the "[Pr.13]
Software stroke limit lower limit value".