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Chapter 8 OPR Control
Precautions during operation
(1) The error "Start at OP" (error code: 201) will occur if another machine OPR is
attempted immediately after a machine OPR completion when the OP is in the
near-point dog ON position.
(2) The following shows the operation when a machine OPR is started from the
near-point dog ON position.
Zero signal
Near-point dog
Pr.46 OPR speed
Pr.47 Creep speed
OPR direction
Hardware limit switch
[Operation when a machine OPR is started
from the near-point dog ON position]
1) The machine moves in the opposite direction
against of OPR at the OPR speed.
2) The machine begins decelerating when the
first zero signal is detected.
3) After deceleration stop, the operation moves in
direction of OPR at the creep speed, and then
stops at the zero signal to complete the
machine OPR.
After 1), when the zero signal is in the near-point
dog ON position, deceleration stop (2)) is started
at the zero signal without waiting for the near-
point dog OFF.
Fig. 8.11 Operation when a machine OPR is started from the near-point dog ON position
(3) When the stop signal stops the machine OPR, carry out the machine OPR
again. When restart command is turned ON after the stop signal stops the
OPR, the error "OPR restart not possible" (error code: 209) will occur.
(4) The OPR retry will not be performed regardless of setting set in "[Pr.48] OPR
retry" in the scale origin signal detection method. When a hardware limit
switch is detected during machine OPR, the error "Hardware stroke limit (+)"
(error code: 104) or "Hardware stroke limit (-)" (error code: 105) will occur.
(5) Position the near-point dog forward to overlaps with the hardware limit switch
in direction of OPR. When the near-point dog is in the opposite direction
against of OPR from the machine OPR start position, the error "Hardware
stroke limit (+)" (error code: 104) or "Hardware stroke limit (-)" (error code:
105) will occur.
Machine OPR
Near-point dog
Hardware limit switch