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Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control
In this parameter, the value set in flash ROM of Simple Motion module is valid at
power supply ON or PLC CPU reset. Fetch by PLC READY signal OFF to ON is
not executed. Execute flash ROM writing to change after setting a value to buffer
[Pr.114] External command signal compensation valid/invalid setting
Set the input compensation of external command input signal valid/invalid. (Only
the value specified against the axis 1 is valid.)
0: Invalid
1: Valid (The response time from the external command signal is compensated
and the latch accuracy will be enhanced.)
Note) If the setting is other than "0" and "1", operation is performed with the setting
regarded as "0: Invalid".
In this parameter, the value set in flash ROM of Simple Motion module is valid at
power supply ON or PLC CPU reset. Fetch by PLC READY signal OFF to ON is
not executed. Execute flash ROM writing to change the value after setting a value
to buffer memory.