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Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control
[Pr.56] Speed designation during OP shift
Set the operation speed for when a value other than "0" is set for "[Pr.53] OP shift
amount". Select the setting from "[Pr.46] OPR speed" or "[Pr.47] Creep speed".
0 : Designate "[Pr.46] OPR speed" as the setting value.
1 : Designate "[Pr.47] Creep speed" as the setting value.
[Pr.57] Dwell time during OPR retry
When OPR retry is validated (when "1" is set for [Pr.48]), set the stop time after
decelerating in 2) and 4) in the following drawing.
Start position
Temporarily stop for
the time set in Pr. 57
Temporarily stop for
the time set in Pr. 57
1) 2)