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Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control
[Pr.43] OPR method
Set the "OPR method" for carrying out machine OPR.
0: Near-point dog method ......... After decelerating at the near-point dog ON, stop
at the zero signal and complete the machine OPR.
4: Count method 1) ................... After decelerating at the near-point dog ON, move
the designated distance, and complete the
machine OPR with the zero signal.
5: Count method 2) ................... After decelerating at the near-point dog ON, move
the designated distance, and complete the
machine OPR.
6: Data set method .................... The position where the machine OPR has been
made will be the OP.
7: Scale origin signal
detection method ................... After deceleration stop at the near-point dog ON,
move to the opposite direction against the OPR
direction, and move to the OPR direction after
deceleration stop once at the detection of the first
zero signal. Then, it stops at the detected nearest
zero signal, and completes the machine OPR.
Note) Refer to Section 8.2 "Machine OPR" for details on the OPR methods.