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Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control
5.1.10 Types and roles of control data
Operation of the positioning system is achieved through the execution of necessary
controls. (Data required for controls are given through the default values when the
power is switched ON, which can be modified as required by the sequence program.)
Items that can be controlled are described below.
Controlling the system data :
Setting and resetting "setting data" of Simple Motion module (system control data
[Cd.1], [Cd.2], [Cd.47])
Controlling the operation :
Setting operation parameters, changing speed during operation, interrupting or
restarting operation, etc. (system control data [Cd.41], [Cd.42], [Cd.44], [Cd.102],
[Cd.137], axis control data [Cd.3] to [Cd.40], [Cd.43], [Cd.45], [Cd.46], [Cd.100],
[Cd.101], [Cd.108], [Cd.112], [Cd.113], [Cd.130] to [Cd.133], [Cd.136] to [Cd.154],
expansion axis control data [Cd.180] to [Cd.183])
[1] Controlling the system data
Setting and resetting the setting data
Control details Controlled data item
Write setting data from buffer memory to flash ROM.
Flash ROM write request
Reset (initialize) parameters.
Parameter initialization request
Set initial value of QD75MH in setting data.
QD75MH initial value setting request