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Unless otherwise specified, this manual uses the following terms.
Term Description
PLC CPU Abbreviation for the MELSEC-Q series PLC CPU module.
QCPU Another term for the MELSEC-Q series PLC CPU module.
Simple Motion module Abbreviation for the MELSEC-Q series Simple Motion module.
QD77MS Another term for the MELSEC-Q series QD77MS Simple Motion module.
MR-J4(W)-B MR-J4-_B/MR-J4W-_B servo amplifier series
MR-J3(W)-B MR-J3-_B/MR-J3W-_B servo amplifier series
MR-JE-B MR-JE-_B Servo amplifier series
Programming tool Generic term for GX Works2 and MR Configurator2.
GX Works2
Product name of the software package for the MELSEC programmable controllers (Version
1.77F or later).
MR Configurator2 Product name of the setup software for the servo amplifier (Version 1.09K or later).
Intelligent function module
A MELSEC-Q/L series module that has functions other than input or output, such as A/D
converter module and D/A converter module
Servo amplifier (drive unit) Abbreviation for SSCNET /H and SSCNET compatible servo amplifier (drive unit).
Manual pulse generator Abbreviation for manual pulse generator (MR-HDP01) (prepared by user).
OPR Generic term for "Home position return".
OP Generic term for "Home position".
High speed synchronous communication network between QD77MS and servo amplifier.
Servo network Generic term for SSCNET /H, SSCNET .
(Note): SSCNET: Servo System Controller NETwork