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Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control
[Pr.48] OPR retry
Set whether to carry out OPR retry.
When the OPR retry function is validated and the machine OPR is started, first the
axis will move in the OPR direction (1)). If the upper/lower limit signal turns OFF
before the near-point dog signal ON is detected (2)), the axis will decelerate to a
stop, and then will move in the direction opposite the OPR direction (3)). If the
following edge of the near-point dog signal is detected during movement in the
opposite direction, the axis will decelerate to a stop (4)), and then will carry out
machine OPR again (5), 6)).
Start position
Near-point dog signal
Limit switch OFF state
Zero signal
[Operation for OPR retry function]
1) Movement in the OPR direction starts with the machine OPR start.
2) The axis decelerates when the limit signal OFF is detected.
3) After stopping at detection the limit signal OFF, the axis moves at the OPR speed in the
direction opposite to the specified OPR direction.
4) The axis decelerates when the near-point dog signal turns OFF.
5) After stopping with the near-point dog signal OFF, start machine OPR in the OPR
6) The machine begins decelerating when the near-point dog ON is detected and
completes machine OPR.