
3) Set the input/output.
Set the input/output used at the Contact setting.
4) Set the contact No.
Set the contact No. used at the Contact setting.
Select the [Select] button.
The Contact Setting screen will appear. The contact
No. will appear when the + mark at the indoor unit
address is clicked. Click on the contact No. to be
used, and select the [OK] button.
5) Set the display characters and display color.
Set the display characters and colors used for the
icon at Contact Setting.
6) Select the [OK] button after completing the settings.
* When the [Cancel] button is clicked, this setting is terminated to
return to the General equipment set-up screen.
7) Select the [OK] button after completing the all general
equipment settings.
* When the [Cancel] button is clicked, this setting is terminated to
return to the initial window. The default value is set when
Changing the general equipment setting details
1) Select the general equipment No.
A sub-menu will open when the general equipment
No. to be changed is clicked.
2) Select the [Change] button.
When [Change] is selected from the sub-menu, the
General equipment details setting screen will open.
3) Set the changed details.
Set the details to be changed on the General equipment
details setting screen.
4) Select the [OK] button after completing the settings.
* When the [Cancel] button is clicked, this setting is terminated to return to the General equipment set-up screen.
Copying the general equipment function
1) Select the general equipment No.
A sub-menu will open when the general equipment
No. to be changed is clicked.
2) Select the [Copy] button.
The general equipment setting details are copied
when [Copy] is selected from the sub-menu.
3) Click on the general equipment No., and select [Paste].
Click on the general equipment No. to be pasted to, and select [Paste]. The setting details will be
reflected on the General equipment set-up screen.
* The general equipment name will be copied in the original state, so change it on the General equipment details setting
Up to 20 characters can be input for the general equipment name.
Up to eight characters can be input for the start, stop and error display characters.
Single quotations [ ' ]cannot be used for the name or display characters.
The function of general equipment can be selected the following item.
Operation, operation display and abnormalities/warning status
Operation and operation display
Abnormalities/warning status
If "operation output" is validated and "operation state input" is invalidated with the contac
settings, the screen display and actual general equipment state may mismatch.
This function does not have a schedule function.