Mitsubishi Electronics TG-2000A Air Conditioner User Manual

5.3 TG-2000A Setup (TG-2000A Ver.5.1*)
5.3.1 Setup (TG-2000A Ver.5.1*)
This TG-2000A can be setup with the following two methods.
Method 1) New setup : Refer to section 5.3.2
Method 2) Version upgrade : Refer to section 5.3.3
The following shows the TG-2000A setup disk (CD-ROM) folder configuration and files. However, it
only describes the files to be run.
New setup
[CD-ROM drive] ¥WindowsXP ¥Setup¥Step1¥SETUP.exe
Version upgrade
[CD-ROM drive] ¥WindowsXP ¥Verup¥DbVerup¥DbUpdata.bat
[Reference] CD-ROM directory structure
¥Manual : Operation Manual, Simple operation manual (PDF file)
¥Tool : Air-conditioning charge calculation support tool (ChargeCalc.xls,
AirConCharge.xls) and trend graph creation tool (TrendGraph.xls)
Test run check list creation tool (TestRunCheckSheet.xls)
¥WindowsVista¥Setup : Set-up folder
¥WindowsXP : Set-up folder,Version-up folder
Readme.txt : Directory structure and setup precautions of this CD-ROM
Refer to section 5.2 “TG-2000A Setup (TG-2000A Ver.5.5* or later)” for how to set up the TG-2000A Ver.5.5* o
Check that your computer meets the system requirements that are listed in “2.1 Requirements (system
recommendations)” before setting up or updating the system.
Data that are recorded on TG-2000A Ver.5.20 or Ver.5.5* or later cannot be transferred to TG-2000A Ver. 5.1*.
Data on older versions cannot be transferred to newer versions of TG-2000A.
If an antivirus software is installed on your computer, TG-2000A may be detected as a virus and the setu
procedures may not be completed properly. Add the TG-2000A’s EXE file to the “Ignore” list.