9.7 Maintenance of Charge Comparison Data When AG-150A/G-50A and
WHM/Measurement Meter Fail or Are Replaced
If the operation amount or watt hour meter/meter start counting from 0 due to a fault in the
AG-150A/G-50A or WHM/Measurement meter, the charge comparison data used for power
apportionment charge can be cleared to 0.
Clearing the charge comparison data
1) Select the [Charge Comparison Data Maintenance] button.
From the initial window, click the [Charge Comparison
Data Maintenance] button in the Maintenance group.
The Charge Comparison Data Maintenance window opens.
2) Select the target unit
Select the unit to be cleared.
Target: " WHM/Measurement meter ", "AG-150A/G-50A"
Target unit: AG-150A/G-50A, meter (with target selection box)
3) Select the [Batch Reset] button
Click the [Batch Reset] button to clear the charge comparison
data used for charge apportioning calculation.
The charge comparison data for the selected target will be
cleared to zero.
4) Select the [OK] button when completed.
The initial window will open.
Maintenance Tip:
• Note that if a target, which has not been replaced due to
a fault, is cleared with this function, the charge
apportionment may not be calculated correctly.
• While replacing, the maintenance must be performed
according to the charge data in section 9.2.3 or 9.2.4.
Batch reset button
Target selection