6762 “K abnormality - Indoor coil thermistor abnormality, Condensation temperature sensor
6763 “K abnormality - Transmit/receive error”
6764 “K abnormality - Drain sensor abnormality”
6765 “K abnormality - Drain pump abnormality”
6766 “K abnormality - Coil frost/overheat protection”
6767 “K abnormality - Outdoor unit trouble - Indoor/outdoor communication error”
6771 “K abnormality - High pressure abnormality, Low pressure abnormality”
6772 “K abnormality - Inner thermostat function, Discharge temperature abnormality, Shell
thermostat function, Overcurrent protection”
6773 “K abnormality - Radiator plate thermostat function”
6774 “K abnormality - Outdoor thermistor abnormality”
6775 “K abnormality - Pressure sensor abnormality, Indoor/outdoor communication error”
6776 “K abnormality - Overcurrent shut-off”
6777 “K abnormality - System error”
6778 “K abnormality - Normal”
6779 “K abnormality - Refrigerant overcharge, Abnormal voltage, Abnormal CT sensor”
6800 “Communication error - Other communication errors”
6801 “Communication error - V-control communication error”
6810 “Communication error - UR communication error”
6811 “Communication error - UR communication synchronism not recover”
6812 “Communication error - UR communication hardware error”
6813 “Communication error - UR communication status bit detection error”
6820 “Other communication errors”
6821 “Other communication errors - Transmission line busy”
6822 “Other communication errors - No communication ACK”
6823 “Other communication errors - No response command”
6824 “Other communication errors - Receive data error”
6830 “Communication error - MA communication refrigerant address double setting error”
6831 “Communication error - No MA communication reception error”
6832 “Communication error - MA communication synchronism not recover”
6833 “Communication error - MA communication transmission/reception hardware trouble”
6834 “Communication error - MA communication start bit detection error”
6840 “Communication error - A control no indoor/outdoor communication/reception
6841 “Communication error - A control indoor/outdoor communication synchronization recovery
6844 “A control indoor/outdoor communication incorrect indoor/outdoor wiring connection,
excessive number of indoor units (more than five units)”
6845 “Communication error - A control indoor/outdoor communication incorrect indoor/outdoor
wiring connection (telecommunication, disconnection)”
6846 “Communication error - A control indoor/outdoor communication startup time exceeded”
7000 “System abnormality”
7100 “System abnormality - Total capacity error”
7101 “System abnormality - Capacity code error”
7102 “System abnormality - Connecting unit number excess”
7103 “System abnormality - Piping length setting error”
7104 “System abnormality - Floor height setting error”
7105 “System abnormality - Address setting over 254”
7106 “System abnormality - Attribute setting error”
7107 “System abnormality - Distributor setting error”
7108 “System abnormality - Ref. system setting error”
7109 “System abnormality - Connection setting error”
7110 “System abnormality - Ref. system connection/connection data unsettled”
7111 “System abnormality - I/O connection equipment not connected/remote controller sensor
7112 “System abnormality - I/O type setting error”
7113 “System abnormality - Equipment unsettled”
7116 “System abnormality - Replace non-wash setting error”
7117 “System abnormality - Model identification setting error”
7130 “System abnormality - Different unit model error”
7131 “System abnormality - Mixed cooling only H/P connection error (Facility PAC)”
7132 “System abnormality - Multiple entries of operation performance (Facility PAC)”