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(7) Clearing one-touch tuning
You can clear the parameter values set with one-touch tuning.
Refer to table 6.1 for the parameters which you can clear.
Pushing "Return to value before adjustment" in the one-touch tuning window of MR Configurator2
enables to rewrite the parameter to the value before pushing the start button.
In addition, pushing "Return to initial value" in the one-touch tuning window enables to rewrite the
parameter to the initial value.
Clearing one-touch tuning is completed, the following window will be displayed. (returning to initial value)
6.2.3 Caution for one-touch tuning
(1) The tuning is not available in the torque control mode.
(2) The one-touch tuning cannot be executed while an alarm or warning which does not continue the motor
driving is occurring.