Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
Praesideo 3.5 | Installation and User Instructions | 11 | Optional Software en | 442
55.10.2 CobraNet Configuration dialog
This dialog shows each transmitter and receiver in the
device along with its bundle number assignment and
transmission or reception status. A non zero value in the
Status column indicates that the transmitter or receiver is
receiving or sending a bundle. In addition to transmitter
and receiver information, the dialog will also display the
IP address currently assigned to the device as well as its
conductor status: the Conductor check box will be
checked if the device is the conductor for the network.
Six actions are supported from the main Configuration
• Press the Configure button with a transmitter (Tx)
highlighted to launch the Transmitter Configuration
• Press the Configure button with a receiver (Rx)
highlighted to launch the Receiver Configuration
• Press the Report button to launch the single Report
Generation dialog.
• Press the Advanced button to launch the Advanced
• Press the SNMP button to launch the Generic SNMP
R/W dialog. This Button is not displayed by default
and must be enabled using the Disco Options applet.
• Single click on a Bundle number to edit/change the
You may also double click on a Tx or Rx line to invoke
the configuration dialog for that transmitter or receiver.
55.10.3 Transmitter Configuration
The Transmitter configuration dialog is launched from
the main Configuration dialog by highlighting the line
containing the transmitter information and then pressing
the Configure button, or by double clicking on the line
containing the transmitter information.
The Transmitter configuration dialog provides access to
the most useful configuration variables associated with a
transmitter. Please refer to the CobraNet Programmer's
Reference Manual for more detailed and up to date
information regarding the meaning and usage of these
variables. This manual is in the folder \Manuals\CobraNet
on the Praesideo DVD.
• Bundle
Allows assigning a bundle number to this
• SubMap
Defines the audio routing channel assigned to a
bundle channel. The Clear All button can be pressed
to assign a value of 0 (transmit nothing) to all
channels in the bundle. The Praesideo CobraNet
interface transmitter channels 1..4 correspond to
SubMap numbers 1..4.
• SubFormat
Normally the txSubFormat value contains
information defining the sample size, sample rate
and transmission latency. As sample rate and sample
latency must be in agreement with the current value
of the modeRateControl variable (settable from the
figure 55.5: CobraNet device configuration dialog
figure 55.6: Transmitter configuration dialog