Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
Praesideo 3.5 | Installation and User Instructions | 10 | Events en | 423
Event message:
Configuration file error
Extra information:
This fault event can only occur when the network
controller is started. This fault event aggregates to a
System fault.
Logs a consistency fault in the configuration file. (The
default configuration file will be loaded.)
Immediately after acknowledgement.
Recommended action:
• Open the configuration file with the Configuration
Printing Tool and check for errors.
• Create a new configuration file using the
information that is shown by the Configuration
Printing Tool.
Event message:
Configuration file version mismatch
Extra information;
Version of the configuration file, version of the system
This fault event can only occur when the network
controller is started and the version number of the
configuration file is 1.4 or higher.
Logs the mismatch of the version number of the
configuration file and the version number of the
system software.
Immediately after acknowledgement.
Recommended action:
• Open the configuration file with the Configuration
Printing Tool and check for errors.
• Create a new configuration file using the
information that is shown by the Configuration
Printing Tool.
Event message:
Control input line failure: (control input)
Control input in which the fault occurred.
Extra information:
This fault event cannot be generated by LBB4430/00
Call Stations Basic and open interface clients.
Logs the failure of a supervised control input.
When the fault disappears or when the unit
Recommended action:
Check the control input and the cables that are
connected to it. If necessary, repair them.
Event message:
Fault input
Control input, key or open interface client that
generated the fault event.
Extra information:
Description that is entered with the configuration
Logs the activation of a control input or key that was
configured as a Fault input, or an open interface client
that generated a reportFault command.
• If the fault was generated by a control input or key:
when the Fault Input is deactivated or when the
unit disconnects.
• If the fault was generated by an open interface
client: when the open interface client reports that
the error is resolved or when the open interface
client disconnects.
Recommended action:
The recommended action depends on the purpose for
which the specified control input, key or open
interface client was configured.