Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
Praesideo 3.5 | Installation and User Instructions | 8 | Software en | 315
6 Click the Upgrade unit firmware button in the
navigation bar to open the Upgrade unit firmware
menu. A screen similar to the one in figure 36.9
appears. The title of the page shows the release
number of the firmware that the system expects. The
release number of the firmware that is currently
running is shown in the Firmware version field.
7 Click the Upgrade unit firmware buttons in the Upgrade
unit firmware field to upgrade the firmware of the
units. The progress of the upgrading process is
displayed in the Progress field.
8 In case of faults, click Undefined in the navigation
bar of the web interface to view a list of all units for
which the firmware upgrade failed. Disconnect and
connect these units again and refresh or reload the
Undefined page before retrying to upgrade the
9 If the upgrade was not successful, try one or more of
the following actions:
• Restart the network controller.
• Power off/on the unit that failed.
• Refresh the webpage
• Upgrade unit firmware for all units in the Undefined
• Upgrade unit firmware for all units with status
Incorrect version.
• Contact your local service department.
figure 36.8: Web interface start page.
It is not possible to upgrade firmware within 5
minutes upon start-up of the network controller.
The PRS-FINNA Fiber Interface does not
contain firmware and is not recognized in the
system. Only PRS-FIN(S) Fiber Interfaces are
shown in the configuration pages.
figure 36.9: Upgrade unit firmware page