
Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
Praesideo 3.5 | Installation and User Instructions | 9 | System Configuration en | 366
table 43.18: Spare outputs configuration
Item Value Description
Output n Unique name for the audio output. The output can be
enabled and disabled using the check box.
Pilot tone On, Off Switches the pilot tone for loudspeaker monitoring on
(On) and off (Off). This pilot tone is used to monitor the
connected basic amplifier and the secondary side of its
transformer for short-circuits. It also supervises the
amplifier for failures and is used by the line supervision set.
GND supervision On, Off Switches ground supervision of the loudspeaker line on
(On) and off (Off).
Mains power
On, Off Specifies whether the mains power of the connected
basic amplifier must be supervised. When Mains power
supervision is On and the mains power is failing, a fault
event is generated. Setting Mains Power Supervision to
Off when mains power is used, results in a system that
does not detect mains power failures.
Back-up power
On, Off Specifies whether the back-up power of the connected
basic amplifier must be supervised. When Back-up power
supervision is On and the back-up power is failing, a fault
event is generated. Setting Back-up power supervision to
Off when back-up power is used, results in a system that
does not detect back-up power failures.
On, Off Sets the interconnection supervision between spare basic
amplifier channel and the main basic amplifier channels.
Configure supervision
Opens a screen to configure LBB4441 and LBB4443
supervision devices (see section 43.3.5) on group B.
Amplifier channel
With the < and > buttons main amplifier channels can be
assigned to a spare amplifier channel.