Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
Praesideo 3.5 | Installation and User Instructions | 3 | Control Equipment en | 128
7.8.6 Set monitoring options
The Monitoring submenu is used to set which signal is
sent to the monitoring headphones. It can be one of the
audio inputs, one of the audio outputs or no signal at all.
Furthermore, the screen provides level meters for a
visual identification of the actual signal strength.
7.8.7 View version information
The Serial Number, HW Version and SW Version menu
items are used to obtain version information about the
audio expander.
table 7.5: Monitoring submenu
Menu item Option Value 1 Value 2 Description
1 Monitoring Source:
- Input n Input nr:
1 to 4
-31 to 0 dB
The signal from audio input n is
available on the headphones output.
- Output n Output nr:
1 to 4
-31 to 0 dB
The signal from audio output n is
available on the headphones output.
- Off* The headphones output is off during
normal operation.
table 7.6: Version information menu items
Menu item Value (read-only) Description
2A Serial Number e.g. 1C.0.0030C Shows the hexadecimal serial number.
2B HW Version e.g. 01.00 Shows the hardware version.
2C FW Version e.g. 3.00.1419 Shows the version number of the firmware. This must be the same
for all units in the system.