Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
Praesideo 3.5 | Installation and User Instructions | 7 | System Hardware Installation en | 304
33 Power Consumption
33.1 Introduction
To calculate the power consumption and power budget
in an easy way, the power consumption or power supply
of each unit is defined in Watt. A power load uses an
amount of Watt, whereas a power source provides a
number of Watts.
As long as the total number of Watt required by the
power loads in the system are equal or less than the total
amount of Watt provided by the power sources,
normally no external power supplies are needed to feed
additional power to the system.
33.2 Power consumption
See table 33.1 for a list of all power sinks in the
Praesideo system.
33.3 Battery capacity calculation
An essential part of an emergency sound system is the
backup power source. For compliancy with EN54-16, it
is required that the power source complies with EN54-4.
Often a battery pack with a charger is used as backup
power source. To calculate the required battery
capacity, an MS Excel sheet is provided on the
distribution DVD in the Tools folder, the Praesideo
Power Requirement Calculator. The accompanying
application note describes how to use this program.
If the Praesideo Power Requirement Calculator is not
used for battery capacity calculation, take the following
into consideration:
• In case the mains power fails, the battery capacity
should be sufficient to address all zones in case of an
• BGM should be stopped while the system is in the
emergency state and/or is running on batteries, so
the batteries are not loaded unnecessarily.
• The current consumption of the amplifiers is the
main load for the batteries. Most standards require
that the battery capacity is sufficient for 24 hours of
idle use (no calls, no BGM), followed by emergency
announcements or tones for 30 minutes to all zones.
The power consumption of the amplifiers depends
on the level of the output signal and the connected
load. Because the amplifiers are Class D amplifiers
table 33.1: Power consumption
Type no . Description Watt
LBB4402/00 Audio Expander 9.0
LBB4404/00 CobraNet Interface 11
PRS-NSP Network Splitter 3.9
Fiber Interface 4.6
Power Amplifier 1 x 500 W
Power Amplifier 2 x 250 W
Power Amplifier 4 x 125 W
Power Amplifier 8 x 60 W
PRS-1B500 Basic Amplifier 1 x 500 W 0.0*
PRS-2B250 Basic Amplifier 2 x 250 W 0.0*
PRS-4B125 Basic Amplifier 4 x 125 W 0.0*
PRS-8B060 Basic Amplifier 8 x 60 W 0.0*
PRS-16MCI Multi Channel Interface 0.0*/
LBB4430/00 Call Station Basic 4.4
LBB4432/00 Call Station Keypad 1.3
PRS-CSNKP Numeric Keypad 1.6
LBB4433/00 Call Station Kit 6.2
LBB4434/00 Call Station Keypad Kit 1.2
PRS-CSI Call Station Interface 3.7
PRS-CSR Remote Call Station 2.9
PRS-CSRK Remote Call Station Kit 4.0
PRS-CRF Call Stacker 4.2
All items with an * do not consume power
supplied by the Praesideo system.
The power for the multi channel interface can be
supplied by a connected basic amplifier or by
the system. Refer to 9.3.3.
If the multi channel interface receives power
from a connected basic amplifier, the power
load on the Praesideo system is 0 W.
If the multi channel interface receives power
from the Praesideo system, the power load is
12 W. Refer to table 33.1.