13 - 11
(2) Parameters (Command [0][4]
[0][5] [0][6] [0][7] [0][8] [0][9])
Command Data No. Description Frame length
[0][4] [0][1] Parameter group read
0000: Basic setting parameter (No.PA
0001: Gain filter parameter (No.PB
0002: Extension setting parameter (No.PC
0003: I/O setting parameter (No.PD
[0][5] [0][1] to [F][F] Current values of parameters
Reads the current values of the parameters in the parameter group specified with the
command [8][5]
data No.[0][0]. Before reading the current values, therefore, always
specify the parameter group with the command [8][5]
data No.[0][0].
The decimal equivalent of the data No. value (hexadecimal) corresponds to the
parameter number.
[0][6] [0][1] to [F][F] Upper limit values of parameter setting ranges
Reads the permissible upper limit values of the parameters in the parameter group
specified with the command [8][5]
data No.[0][0]. Before reading the upper limit
values, therefore, always specify the parameter group with the command [8][5]
The decimal equivalent of the data No. value (hexadecimal) corresponds to the
parameter number.
[0][7] [0][1] to [F][F] Lower limit values of parameter setting ranges
Reads the permissible lower limit values of the parameters in the parameter group
specified with the command [8][5]
data No.[0][0]. Before reading the lower limit values,
therefore, always specify the parameter group with the command [8][5]
data No.[0][0].
The decimal equivalent of the data No. value (hexadecimal) corresponds to the
parameter number.
[0][8] [0][1] to [F][F] Abbreviations of parameters
Reads the abbreviations of the parameters in the parameter group specified with the
command [8][5]
data No.[0][0]. Before reading the abbreviations, therefore, always
specify the parameter group with the command [8][5]
data No.[0][0].
The decimal equivalent of the data No. value (hexadecimal) corresponds to the
parameter number.
[0][9] [0][1] to [F][F] Write enable/disable of parameters
Reads write enable/disable of the parameters in the parameter group specified with the
command [8][5]
data No.[0][0]. Before reading write enable/disable, therefore, always
specify the parameter group with the command [8][5]
data No.[0][0].
0000: Write enabled
0001: Write disabled
(3) External I/O signals (Command [1][2])
Command Data No. Description Frame length
[1][2] [0][0] Input device status 8
[4][0] External input pin status
[6][0] Status of input device turned ON by communication
[8][0] Output device status
[C][0] External output pin status