Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter 6 Show Commands
show system-mode
show system-mode
Use this command to verify that the SRP configuration is locked or unlocked. To display the current
system mode (normal or VFrame), enter the show system-mode command in User Execute mode or
Privileged Execute mode.
show system-mode
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Modes User Execute mode, Privileged Execute mode.
Usage Guidelines
Platform Availability:
Cisco SFS 3001, Cisco SFS 7000, Cisco SFS 7008, Cisco SFS 3012, Cisco 4x InfiniBand Switch Module
for IBM BladeCenter
Privilege Level:
Unrestricted read-write user.
Examples The following example indicates that the Server Switch is in its default unlocked mode:
SFS-7000P# show system-mode
System Operation Mode
oper-mode : normal
Related Commands system-mode