Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter 6 Show Commands
show card-inventory
show card-inventory
To display the system resources and image data of interface cards, enter the
show card-inventory
command in User Execute mode or Privileged Execute mode.
Note The
show card-inventory
command only displays cards with an oper-status of up.
show card-inventory
[card-selection |
Syntax Description
Defaults The show card-inventory defaults to
show card-inventory all
Command Modes User Execute mode, Privileged Execute mode.
Usage Guidelines
Platform Availability:
Cisco SFS 3001, Cisco SFS 7000, Cisco SFS 7008, Cisco SFS 3012, Cisco 4x InfiniBand Switch Module
for IBM BladeCenter
Privilege Level:
General read-only user.
Each interface card is a system in itself. The following comprise system resources:
• available and used memory
• available and used flash memory
• active system image on the interface card
• CPU name and version
The active system image should match the active image that runs on the controller card. Occasions may
occur when you update the system image on the controller but not on an interface card, such as when
you swap interface cards between chassis or update the system image on the controller when an interface
card goes down. Disk space may be an issue if you try to update the system image on the controller but
cannot propagate this data to the interface card because the interface card has no free space.
The CPU description may be requested by support personnel in the event you experience difficulties with
a controller or an interface card.
card-selection (Optional) Card, list of cards, or range of cards to view.
all (Optional) Displays resources and data of all cards in the chassis.