Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter 6 Show Commands
show ib-agent switch
lmc Local-identifier mask control (LMC) for multipath support. A LMC resides
on each channel adapter and router port on the subnet. It provides multiple
virtual ports within a single physical port. The value of the LMC specifies
the number of path bits in the LID. A value of 0 allows one LID on the port.
For more information, see sections 3.5.10, “Addressing” and 4.1.3, “Local
Identifiers” in InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1.
ls-active Speed of an active link. The field displays 2.5 Gbps.
ls-active-enabled Maximum speed that the link can handle. The value can be 0 (no state
change), 1 (2.5 Gbps), or 3 (value derived from LinkSpeedSupported).
neighbor-MTU Active maximum transmission unit (MTU) enabled on this port for
transmission. The subnet manager is responsible for checking the MTUCap
on both ends of a link and setting the neighbor-MTU on both sides
appropriately. The value appears as 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096.
master-SMSL Administrative service level required for this port to send a non-SMP
message to the subnet manager.
VL-cap Maximum range of data virtual lanes (VLs) supported by this port.
VL-high-limit Maximum high-priority limit on the number of bytes allowed for
transmitting high-priority packets when both ends of a link operate with
multiple data virtual lanes. Used with the virtual-lane arbitration table. The
maximum high-limit is determined by checking the v1-arbitration-high-cap
on the other side of the link and then negotiating downward.
VL-arbitration-high-cap Highest arbitration value allowed by the arbiter in determining the next
packet in a set of packets to transmit across the link. Used with the
virtual-lane arbitration table and specified as a VL/Weight pair. For more
information, see section, “VL Arbitration Table” of InfiniBand
Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1.
VL-arbitration-low-cap Lowest arbitration value allowed by the arbiter in determining the next
packet in a set of packets to transmit across the link. Used with the
virtual-lane arbitration table and specified as a VL/Weight pair. For more
information, see section, “VL Arbitration Table” of InfiniBand
Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1.
MTU-cap Determines, with neighbor-mtu, the maximum transmission size supported
on this port. The lesser of MTUCap and NeighborMTU determines the
actual MTU used. The value appears as 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096.
VL-stall-count Number of sequentially dropped packets at which the port enters a
VLStalled state. For more information, see section, “Transmitter
Queuing” in InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1.
HOQ-life Maximum duration allowed to packets at the head of a virtual-lane queue.
Used with VLStallCount to determine the outgoing packets to discard.
op-VLs Administrative limit for the number of virtual lanes allowed to the link. Do
not set this above the VLCap value.
pkey-enf-in Boolean value that indicated whether or not to support optional partition
enforcement for the packets that were received by this port.
Table 6-52 port-info Keyword Output Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description