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3.6 Buffer Memory Details
3.6.8 Current tag data value area
(3) Update count (Buffer memory address: 1292)
(a) After the power is ON, the cumulative number of updates for the Current tag data
value (Buffer memory address: 1300 to 1811) is stored.
(b) After specifying the tag number displayed as the No. of requested tag (Buffer
memory address: 1290), when the update count is increased, the Current tag data
value (Buffer memory address: 1300 to 1811) is updated with the value of the
specified tag number.
(4) No. of components (Buffer memory address: 1293)
The No. of components displayed as the Current tag data value (Buffer memory
address: 1300 to 1811) is stored.
The following is an example where the current value of tag No. 5 is confirmed in
[Buffer memory batch monitor] of GX Developer .
1 Specify "5" as the No. of requested tag (Buffer memory
address: 1290) with [Buffer memory batch monitor] of
GX Developer.
2 Check that "5" is stored as the No. of stored tag (Buffer
memory address: 1291).
3 Check that the Update count (Buffer memory address:
1292) is updated.
4 Check that the No. of components for tag No. 5 is
stored in the No. of components (Buffer memory
address: 1293).
5 Check that the tag component value is stored in the
Current tag data value (Buffer memory address: 1300
to the address required for the No. of components).