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Appendix 4 Processing Time
Appendix 4.1 Product whose first five digits of serial No. is "13092" or later
(From the previous page)
Table App.65 Measurement conditions
Item Description
Device tag
No. of components
For trigger conditions: No. of jobs × 2
For communication data: Same as the number of fields
In the case of MultiSelect
16 data: 4 components
64 data: 8 components
256 data: 16 components
1024 data: 32 components
4096 data: 64 components
16384 data: 128 components
40000 data: 200 components
Length of array
In the case of MultiSelect
16 data: 4
64 data: 8
256 data: 16
1024 data: 32
4096 data: 64
16384 data: 128
40000 data: 200
Job setting
Trigger conditions Handshake operation
No. of jobs
In the case of Select, Update or Insert
1 job (for 16, 64, 256, 1024 fields)
2 jobs (for 4096 fields)
In the case of MultiSelect
1 job
No. of actions
In the case of Select, Update or Insert
1 action (for 16, 64, 256 fields)
4 actions (for 1024 fields)
16 actions (for 4096 fields)
In the case of MultiSelect
1 action
Select/Update condition None
Sort condition None
Program execution None
Measurement interval
From ON of Handshake startup to OFF of Completion
No. of measurements Average of 20 measurement results