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9.2 XML Message Format Sending Method
9.2.1 XML message format sending method
9.2 XML Message Format Sending Method
This section explains the sending method and sample program of the XML message
9.2.1 XML message format sending method
(1) Send destination URL
When the basic authentication information and the XML request message for a
function are sent to the URL below with the HTTP POST method, the function is
executed and the XML response message is returned by HTTP.
[http://[MES interface module IP address]/MESXML.CGI]
(2) HTTP basic authentication
Accessing the URL shown in (1) requires HTTP basic authentication of the MES
interface module.
The HTTP basic authentication uses the account information set with [Account
Section 7.6.3 Setting items in Account setting
(3) URL encoding
To use HTTP, it is necessary to use URL encoding to convert special characters in the
XML request message (Escape).
The following shows the URL encoding rules and an example of URL encoding
(a) URL encoding rules
(b) URL encoding application example
Table 9.4 URL encoding rules
Characters before conversion Character string after conversion
[A-Z] [a-z] [0-9] * - . @ _ Same (not converted)
Space "+" (Plus sign)
Others "%" +2-digit hexadecimal character code
Table 9.5 URL encoding application example
Characters before conversion Character string after conversion
% "%25"
& "%26"