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7.11 Job Setting - Actions
7.11.3 Setting items in Communication action (Stored procedure)
7.11.3 Setting items in Communication action (Stored procedure)
This section explains the setting items of communication action when selecting Stored
procedure in Action type.
*1 Up to 8192 fields can be set in [DB-tag link settings], [Select/Update/Delete conditions] and [Select
sort settings] for each project.
(The setting can be checked on the status bar of [Job settings] or in the [Communication action]
dialog box.)
Figure 7.91 [Communication action] dialog box
Table 7.80 Setting items in the [Communication action] dialog box
Item Description
Action type Select an action type.
Database Select a database to be accessed.
Procedure name Set a procedure name to be executed.
Browse the stored procedure names registered to the set database.
DB-tag link settings
Set assignments between return value/argument and tag component
values (or constant values).
Executed procedure
Displays the stored procedure information executed with [Communication
action] being edited. For the display format of tag components/constants/
valuables, refer to the following:
Section 7.11.1 (4)
Selecting a row and clicking the button reverses the order between the
selected row and the one immediately above it.
The button cannot be clicked on the first row.
Selecting a row and clicking the button reverses the order between the
selected row and the one immediately below it.
The button cannot be clicked on the last row.
Selecting a row and clicking the button deletes the row.
Browse procedure name
Delete row