
10.3 Troubleshooting by symptom
10.3.1 When using MES Interface Function Configuration Tool
- 41
(7) [Online]
• Section 7.12 Online
• Section 7.13 Online - Remote operation
(To the next page)
Table 10.16 [Online]
Symptom Checked item Corrective action
Unable to write a project to the MES
interface module.
Is the total number of fields in the project
more than 8192?
• Delete any unnecessary field settings.
Section 7.11.1 Setting items in
Communication action
• Up to 8192 fields can be set within one
Failed in online operation.
Is the IP address set in [Transfer setup] of
[Online] correct?
• Select [Online] - [Transfer setup] and
correct the setting.
• Perform the online operation for the MES
interface module selected from [Online] -
[Transfer setup].
Send a PING request from the
configuration computer to the IP address of
the MES interface module. Is there a
• If no response is returned, check if the
module is powered up or if the network is
properly connected.
Has the account set in [Transfer setup] of
[Online] been registered to the MES
interface module?
• Select [Online] - [Transfer setup] and
correct the setting.
• Specify the account that is registered in
the MES interface module.
Is the firewall function of the operating
system or security software enabled on the
configuration computer?
• Check the firewall setting.
Section 5.1 Installation
Unable to select [One-shot execution] from
Was the job for one-shot execution
• Select the job for one-shot execution,
and then select [Online] [One-shot
execution] from the menu.
Failed to perform [One-shot execution] from
During one-shot execution, was the power
of the programmable controller turned OFF
and then ON, or was the programmable
controller CPU reset?
• Write a project again and perform
[Update settings].
Section 7.15 (4) One-shot
Has a communication error occurred during
one-shot execution?
Is there any difference between the system
settings being used on the MES interface
module and the system settings of the MES
Interface Function Configuration Tool?
• Set the same settings for the system
settings being used on the MES interface
module and the system settings of the
MES Interface Function Configuration
Failed to format the CompactFlash card.
Check for an error code in [System monitor]
of GX Developer.
• By the error code, check the error details
and take corrective actions.
• Re-execute formatting of the
CompactFlash card.
Is the MES interface module operation
• Stop the MES interface module
operation, and then execute formatting.
Section 7.13.8 Formatting the
CompactFlash card
It takes time to write the settings to the
MES interface module.
Is the MES interface module operation in
the [Stop] state?
• Stop the MES interface module
operation, and then write the settings.