
10.3 Troubleshooting by symptom
10.3.3 When operating the MES interface module
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Table 10.21 Troubleshooting about the DB interface function
Symptom Checked item Corrective action
Job will not start up.
Is there any setting that enables data
writing to the tag component for which
statistical processing of [Moving average],
[Moving maximum], or [Moving minimum] is
specified in the job?
• Check the [Job settings] and disable data
writing to the relevant tag component.
Job will not start up after the one-shot
During one-shot execution, was the power
of the programmable controller turned OFF
and then ON, or was the programmable
controller CPU reset?
• Write a project again and perform
[Update settings].
Section 7.15 (4) One-shot
Has a communication error occurred during
one-shot execution?
The program specified by the program
execution function is not executed.
Has an error occurred in [Error log] of
[Working log]?
Section 7.12.5 Checking the
working log of the MES interface
• If an error has occurred, identify the error
cause and take corrective actions.
Section 10.2 Error Code List
Was the Windows
account specified in
[Server service settings] used to log on the
application server computer once or more?
• Use the account that has been used to
log on once or more.
• An account that has not been used
before cannot be used.
Was the password of the Windows
account specified in [Server service
settings] set empty?
• Set a password of the account, or use
another account that does not have an
empty password.
• An account that has an empty password
cannot be used.
Does the program need to be run with
administrator privileges (by a user in
Administrators group)?
• Programs that need to be run with
administrator privileges (by a user in
Administrators group) cannot be
• Specify a program that does not need to
be run with administrator privileges.
Was execution of a program including
displays attempted with the application
server computer logged off?
• To execute a program including displays,
set the application server computer into
the logon status.
Was execution of the program including
displays attempted while multiple users
have logged on to the application server
• When a program including displays is
executed, the program screen is
displayed for only one user who has
logged on to the application server.
Make all of the users log off the
application server computer once, and
execute the program with a single user
logged on.