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7.10 Job Setting
7.10.2 Setting items in Trigger conditions
(5) Specified time period startup
(a) The condition is alternated between true and false in the specified cycles
(unit: seconds), and when it changes from false to true, the job is activated.
(b) When [Specified time period startup] is selected, set the cycle.
(Range: 1 to 32767 seconds)
The following shows that the job is activated at 60-second intervals for an hour
from 12:00 to 13:00 every day.
(6) Value monitoring startup
(a) The actual tag component value is compared with the condition value (tag
component value or constant value) at every sampling times, and the job is
activated when the condition changes from false to true.
Even if the trigger condition becomes true temporarily between samplings, the job
is not activated unless it is true at time of sampling.
Figure 7.48 [Specified time period startup]
Figure 7.49 Example of setting combination of [Time specification startup] and [Specified time period
Figure 7.50 Job startup points when [Value monitoring startup] is selected
Sampling interval
Startup point
Startup point
Condition value
Tag component value
Not activated here.