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6.3 Time Synchronization Function
6.3.2 Daylight saving time function
6.3.2 Daylight saving time function
The daylight saving time function allows the time of the MES interface module to be
changed to the daylight saving time during the period of summer time, using the clock time
of the SNTP server computer.
For the daylight saving time setting, refer to the following.
Section 7.6.2 (2) When [Synchronize with SNTP] is selected
(1) About the daylight saving time function
When [Daylight saving setting] is enabled, one hour is added at the daylight saving
start time, and one hour is subtracted at the daylight saving ending time.
The following is an example of the start and end of the daylight saving time.
When the daylight saving time starts at 02:00 on the second Sunday in March,
and ends at 02:00 on the first Sunday in November
(2) Precautions
(a) If [Time specification startup] is set for a trigger condition of a job, the following
may occur:
• The job does not start at the daylight saving start time.
• The job starts two times at the daylight saving ending time.
(b) The daylight saving time function is enabled when clock time information is
acquired from the SNTP server computer.
For processing performed when clock time information is not obtainable from the
SNTP server computer, refer to the following.
Section 7.6.2 (3) When time information is not obtainable from the SNTP
server computer
Figure 6.20 Daylight saving time function
01:59:59 03:00:00 03:00:01
01:59:59 01:00:00 01:00:01
Daylight saving time
2nd Sunday
in March
1st Sunday
in November
At the specified time of the start date,
the time is set ahead one hour.
At the specified time of
the end date, the time
is set back one hour.
[Before correction]
[After correction]