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10.3 Troubleshooting by symptom
10.3.1 When using MES Interface Function Configuration Tool
(From the previous page)
(2) [System setting] ( Section 7.6 System Setting)
(3) [Access target CPU settings] ( Section 7.7 Access Target CPU Setting)
Table 10.10 Common to all settings
Symptom Checked item Corrective action
Unable to import a project file.
The specified project file is incorrect or
• Specify a correct project file.
Is there any inconsistency in the setting? • Check the setting and correct it if any.
Did the number of settings exceed the
upper limit?
• Check the number of settings.
Section 7.4.4 Importing a project
Unable to import a CSV file.
Is the CSV file description correct? • Correct the CSV file description.
Is there any inconsistency in the setting? • Check the setting and correct it if any.
Did the number of settings exceed the
upper limit?
• Check the number of settings.
Section 7.4.5 Importing a CSV file
[Device tag name] is not displayed for the
setting item by which data are written to a
Is the tag set to data-write-disabled?
• Set the tag to data-write-enabled.
Section 7.8.1 Setting items in
Device Tag setting
All the text is not displayed in a table.
(The text display is truncated.)
Isn't the column width narrow?
• Adjust the column width of the table.
Section 7.3.1 Screen structure
Table 10.11 [System setting]
Symptom Checked item Corrective action
A desired device tag name is not displayed
in [DB buffering settings].
Is the tag set to data-write-disabled?
• Set the tag to data-write-enabled.
Section 7.8.1 Setting items in
Device Tag setting
Table 10.12 [Access target CPU settings]
Symptom Checked item Corrective action
Unable to change or delete an item in
[Access target CPU settings].
Is it the first item?
• If it is any item other than the first one,
change the item or add an item.
• Since the control CPU is set as the first
item, deletion or setting change is not
allowed for it. (Only the CPU name can
be changed.)
Is the selected item used in [Device tag
• As the error dialog box appears, identify
the location, stop using it for another
item, and then delete the item.
• An item used for another item is unable
to be deleted.