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7.10 Job Setting
7.10.2 Setting items in Trigger conditions
When accessing the Redundant CPU, it is recommended to select [Handshake
operation] for trigger condition.
When selecting other than [Handshake operation], data separation may occur at
system switching of the redundant system.
(b) [Handshake operation] is selectable only in [Trigger 1].
When [Handshake operation] is selected, selection is not allowed for [Trigger 2].
For selection of [Handshake operation], set the following items.
*1 Do not specify the same [Completion notification] to multiple jobs.
Figure 7.55 [Handshake operation]
Table 7.53 Setting items when selecting [Handshake operation]
Item Description
Handshake startup
Select a tag component used to request for job startup.
Only the tag components whose [Data type] is [Bit] are selectable.
Note that tags with [Array setting] are not selectable.
Completion notification
Select a tag component that allows notification of execution
completion of the job.
Only the tag components whose [Data type] is [Bit] are selectable.
Note that the following tags are not selectable.
• Tags for which [Prohibit data writing] is enabled
• Tags for which [Array setting] is set