Proprietary & Confidential 281
customizing 155
listen only 160
lock/unlock 158
mute all / unmute all 160
mute/unmute 159
roll call 161
touchtone initiated changes, updating 128
translation number type
fixed 120
fixed with 3-digit code 120
random 120
translation numbers
adding 23
changing 24
defined 22
managing 22
Translation Numbers page 23
database ( 147
telephony 149
two-password call flow, overview 14
UDO. See Dial-Out Billing.
unattended dial out (UDO). See Dial-Out Billing.
Universal Resource Identifier (URI) 11
unlock touchtone command 158
unmute all touchtone command 160
unmute touchtone command 159
update frequency, talker 123
updating account options changes 128
user (internal)
adding 63
changing password 65
deleting 66
managing access 63
users, Informix 99
VIP Conference 56
voice prompt fields
voice prompts and call flows 179
voice prompts, default 182
Waiting Room
disabling notifications 125
WAVE files, indexed 171
Web, controlling conference from 2
Web-server port, changing 142
weekly maintenance 103
welcome messages 169, 181
Welcome on DNIS 169